Hi and welcome to my research page. This is where you can get all the information you need relating to my current research project. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
You are being invited to participate in this study as you are a Coaching Psychologist who has been successful, applied (or is applying) for Chartered Membership of the British Psychological Society (BPS) through coaching (NB you don't need to have had your decision back from BPS). This study aims to understand how you draw from your psychological knowledge and skills in your coaching practice. Specifically, I am interested in how you believe that psychology influences your practice, which philosophical or academic themes emerge within your practice, and the difference you believe this makes to your clients.
I aim to explore this through a thematic analysis of either one of two documents:
Accelerated Route: Coaching Philosophy Document
Peer Review Route: Answer to the question: "Please provide a short (max 500 words) statement on how a broad, critical understanding of psychology underpins coaching practice”
I believe that these will provide deeply reflective, but relatively spontaneous, rich data that will support our understanding of the nature and practice of coaching psychology, and therefore support the development of the profession.​
Below you will find my Participant Information Sheet, the Ethical Considerations Document for this piece of research and a Consent Form. To participate, you can either:
Submit your Coaching Philosophy Document (or Peer Review answer) via email with a completed consent form to hello@garybuxton.co.uk or
Just email your Coaching Philosophy document (or Peer Review answer) over to me and I can send you a quick and easy online version of the consent form
All participants will get a copy of the research on completion.
N.B. This piece of research is self-funded and will be used as part of Gary Buxton’s application for chartered status (Standard 4). Gary has already written and shared his own Coaching Philosophy and the acquisition of other philosophies will be gathered for the purpose of this research only.
Research Project Title
The Impact of Psychological Knowledge and Skills on Coaching Practice: A Thematic Analysis of Coaching Philosophies in Applications for Chartered Membership of the British Psychological Society.​​
If you'd like to know more about my journey to gain Chartered Status with the BPS, check out my blog: https://www.garybuxton.co.uk/post/to-become-a-chartered-coaching-psychologist