Well, what a year it has been! Without doubt, it feels like this has been a year of agility and catch-up for my clients.

It's tempting to think that 2022 has been our first year of 'getting back to normal' and yet, for many, it has felt anything but! I therefore commend everyone who committed to their own personal and professional development during a period of time where demands were high!
This year has definitely given me a few moments of a professional joy as I too work hard to keep up with all the latest trends in both coaching and leadership. Some of my high points for 2022 were:
Countless amazing coaching clients who have said nice things about me or referred me to others. (You help my world go round! Thank you!)
Joining the coaching team at Hult Ashridge Executive Education
Getting my paper copy of the Post Graduate Certificate from the University of Chester in Business and Personal Coaching after completing my academic essays. It joins my original Practitioner Diploma from 2017.
Being accepted onto the accelerated professional recognition route for becoming a Chartered Coaching Psychologist.
Completing my post graduate training to become a qualified Coaching Supervisor
Finally training in the Lumina Spark psychometric after having wanted to do it for ages!
Doing some amazing work with my brilliant team mates at Mezzana Partners for Aztec, which got me working in the Channel Islands (I'd never been there before!) and Europe.
Completing CPD recognised by the British Psychological Society with my Supervisor Dr Marie Stopforth and the School of Coaching Psychology - which was really good if you're keen to build your appreciation of all things evidence based in Coaching Psychology!
Certainly this year has given me a real appreciation of the virtuous loop of my work. The more client's place their trust in me to be their coach, the more learning and training I can afford; the more learning I do, the more I can support my clients... It makes me hugely appreciative of owning my own practice and being in charge of my own L&D budget!
So, as 2022 draws to a close, I wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone I've worked with over the last 12 months! I really do wake up every day and pinch myself!
Merry Christmas everyone.. That's me signing off until 2023 where I am sure my first post will be my traditional reporting on social impact!
