One of the key benefits of working with an executive coach is the way we enable you to deeply reflect on your thinking and behaviour. We often fuse neuroscience, creativity and emotional intelligence to equip you cool ways to take new perspectives. This is why I am delighted to have contributed to a new book by Dr Clare Beckett-McInroy MCC, MP, ESIA, EdD and Sameera Ali Baba-MCC which has been published this week!

The book contains lots of brilliant insights from wide ranging professionals across the coaching industry, medical doctors and leaders in various sectors. It's always pretty cool to be in the same book as people like Prof David Clutterbuck, Professor Peter Hawkins, Professor Erik de Haan and Nancy Kline to name just a few.
The book is geared to professionals who promote reflective practice, but I'm sure if it's something you're interested in more personally, they'll be some nuggets in there for you too.
As always, thanks for stopping by and reading!
